Suffolk AME is off to a strong start in 2024! Ready to hit the ground running, Suffolk AME President Daniel C. Levler recently met with our new County Executive, Ed Romaine, to discuss our initiatives and goals as we enter into a contract negotiation year.

Throughout the campaign process, the election, and into the new year, Suffolk AME has worked hard to establish a working relationship with the incoming Suffolk County Administration. We are committed to setting a strong foundation that will benefit both our dedicated members and the county as a whole.

Twelve years ago, the last incoming County Executive gave a speech about “doing more with less” and promptly laid off AME employees, and frequently talked about eliminating over 1,000 positions over his tenure.

In contrast, County Executive Romaine talked about the pride he has in our Suffolk County workforce, and the need to “provide County government with the tools and funding” we need to deliver vital services while retaining his commitment to protecting taxpayers. We thank County Executive Romaine for setting a positive tone on Day One, and we are confident that our Suffolk AME workforce will continue to go above and beyond in delivering the essential services that Suffolk County residents depend upon every day.

Suffolk AME is dedicated to representing our members' interests and advocating for the rights of the dedicated municipal workers of Suffolk County. We will continue to work tirelessly to negotiate fair contracts and secure the best possible working conditions for our members.

As we navigate this administrative transition, we extend our best wishes to the Romaine Transition Team. We appreciate their hard work in ensuring a smooth transition of responsibilities and initiatives. We look forward to sharing our ideas on building a robust workforce and helping the Administration recruit and retain the best-qualified men and women to sufficiently staff county agencies.